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Bagi yang Error terus Coba Instal
*Vcredits x86
*NetFramwork 3.5

Kalau Muncul tulisan di pojok kiri atas berarti cheat Work! dan terinject dengan benar!

Downloads Cheat
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1. Wallhack    = Tekan F1 tekan nya belom tentu 1/2 kali,, sampe keliatan whnya,]
2. Seeghost    = Tekan F2
3. Chams       = Tekan F3
4. Wireframe  = Tekan F4
5. Crosshair  = Tekan F5

Windows 7 :
Gunakan Klik Kanan - Run As administrator saat membuka cheat dan Crossfirenya!

Tutorial : 
-Copy msvcr 100.dll ke folder cf/system 32
-open cheatny
- Open Crossfirenya
-Start Cfnya
-Apabila error ulangi langkah dari awal,, (kadang pertama kali pakai memang error)
- lalau yg kedua pasti bisa
-Heppi chating dah!

F2F Elite darma

Template Blog Portal Style

Tampilan template blog nya akan seperti dibawah ini..
Template Light Orange
Memang kalau dilihat agak ngeri lihatnya hahaha..

Nah bagi sobat. yang berminat memakai template ini, langsung saja silahkan di download pada link dibawah ini. Untuk filenya type TXT, dengan size 47kb, sehingga mudah waktu pemasangan template ini, tinggal copy lalu paste dan save. Semoga bisa bermanfaat dan maaf atas segala kekurangannya.

Untuk lebih jelasnya lagi penjelasan ini, sobat bisa klik disini

Jangan lupa centang Expand Widget Template agar tidak terjadi hal yang tidak diinginkan hehee..




Uprising 44: The Silent Shadows-SKIDROW - Mediafire
Uprising 44: The Silent Shadows-SKIDROW | 2.82 GB

info isalgames

Uprising44: The Silent Shadows PC Game Full Version - combines third-person action play with real-time strategy. It is a unique combination of the two modes of play, and has an in-depth and interesting story-line which has not yet been used in WWII computer games û the greatest civilian against Nazi occupying forces û the Warsaw Uprising. It is a story of the Silent Shadows – forerunners of modern day special forces – paratroopers dropped behind enemy lines to organize resistance and use diversionary tactics in the fight against the forces of the Third Reich. An appropriate audio-visual setting combined with cover system (an excellent, proven method of game play), the story-line, and diverse settings ensure a dynamic and enjoyable game not only for players familiar with this type of theme, but also those merely wanting casual entertainment.

Action Mode:
Play through an over-the-shoulder perspective gives a sense of reality to small groups of soldiers fighting in the tight confines of a city. You venture through buildings, cellars, streets, ruins and underground canals and take part in seemingly real skirmishes. You have available to use 16 types of weapons, depending on the tactics you choose. You can take cover, give orders to comrades, fight at close quarters, or at a distance – to get advantage over a superior number of the enemy.

RTS Mode:
You lead groups of uprisers that take part in heavy fighting on the streets of Warsaw. You as a leader will have to think strategically and improvise in quick changing situations of battle.

Cara Installasi :
1. Unpack the release
2. Mount or burn image
3. Install
4. Copy everything from the SKIDROW folder into the game installation
5. Play the game
6. Support the companies, which software you actually enjoy!

Minimum system requirements:
  • OS:Windows Vista / Windows 7 Processor:Dual Core 2.4GHz processor 
  • Memory:4 GB RAM 
  • Graphics:Shader 4.0 compatible card (minimum: Nvidia GeForce 9800, AMD Radeon 4830) 
  • Hard Drive:5 GB HD space 
  • Other Requirements:Broadband Internet connection 
  • Additional:Onboard Video Card: Not Supported

screens isalgames
Uprising 44: The Silent Shadows-SKIDROW

Uprising 44: The Silent Shadows-SKIDROW

download games
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